"Dear Editor"
Dear Virginia:
As one of FPE's new members I feel it incumbent upon me to make my maiden speech via your columns. I could give you the history of my life from early awareness of my strange desires to the present, but that would only reiterate what has been said before in this column. How I first dressed as a tot, wandered through the streets in matching green dress and coat at a pre-puberty age, passing a policeman on the way; how my father discovered me and was furious; the continuing per- plexity of my mother and the accusations of H.S.; my ups and downs; my marriage to the girl I love, giving rise to two beautiful children and surviving the meritable confession of my leanings. But it is not an autobiography I wish to give you, unless requested at a later date, it is to make some observations on the present, on the here and now.
My logic runs thus. My boss (a gynaecologist and obstetrician) in- forms me that gender identification is established by the age of one year (more inquiries to be made in that direction soon). We identify with the feminine and have to live the masculine. So decide what por- tion each is going to occupy in your week and get on with it with zest. Throw away your guilt complexes, away with introspection and morbid broodings on whose fault it was. Live both lives in isolation of each other and enjoy yourselves to the full. There is nothing more calcu- lated to antagonize a tolerant or cooperative GG than a guilt ridden FP. Let's all be happy and show that all the difficulties of our lives are worthwhile. Let there be no apologies for our condition. We are what we are and it is incurable so let's not just enjoy it with reluctance but